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Some more Warhammer 40k terrain: church ruins pt 2 (finished)

church ruins

Last time I had completed the basic structure of the walls and floor. Since then I have textured the base with bits of cork and coffee grounds.

church ruins

I then painted everything in their base colours: grey for the walls, white for the floor and black for the base. At this stage I noticed that I had not textured the insides of the walls very well, so the texture of the corrugated card was showing through pretty clearly. After the paint had dried I therefore applied some more wall filler/spackle to the inside and gave it another coat of paint. My proper wall filler had run out, however, and due to the lockdown I could not get my hands on a new tube as quickly as I would have liked. Impatient as I am, I therefore resorted to using a tub of really old and almost completely dried up filler that I found in the basement. This filler did not apply very well, so the end result isn’t quite as good as I would have liked.

church ruins
Every project goes through an ugly stage and this is definitely it for these ruins. The base colours have been applied, but I have not yet applied the second layer of filler.

I then painted a simple pattern on the tile floor and gave the whole thing two dark grey washes. After that, I drybrushed everything with the original grey that I used for the walls. I then added some white to this grey colour and drybrushed everything again. Finally, I gave it a drybrush of even lighter grey and ending with white.

church ruins

I could’ve left it at this stage, but thought it looked pretty dull and monochrome, so I added some grime streaks and mold to the lower portions of the walls and under the windows. The Terrain Tutor taught me to work on small areas at a time and to pre-wet the surface, which worked a treat! Not entirely sure about the shade of green I used for the mold, though. It is a bit too blue for my liking. 

I still thought it was missing something, so I added flock to the base for some extra colour. It may no longer perfectly fit my urban-themed battle mat, but at least it’s a bit more interesting to look at. Here are some pictures of the finished build.

church ruins

church ruins

church ruins

I just realised that I have not mentioned the size of this thing, so here it is with a couple of tyranid genestealers for scale. It’s a fairly big piece of terrain. But for the 2021 roundup, as Gimli put it, that still only counts as one!

church ruins


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